( 2,2 Mo )

(Co-directed by Lari Flash, Yann Nguyen Minh, Jean-René Bader...)

This is one of the many affadavits created for Basile Vignes's crazy project dedicated to the Glory of the National (North Korean) Polar Star, Benefactor of Humanity and Notorious Goitrous Corpse writer of the major book "Revolution and Construction" of which a thousand copies of the french edition were foundby Basile in his own cellar, inspiring him to create a collective work of art by distributing copies of the book and asking artists to join him in his delirious foray culiminating in a multiscreen videoinstallation at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, a news feature on Basile on South Korean Tv and by an intervention of Basile himself on the 8 o'clock news invited in quality of Korean National Hero, a country where he has never lain foot.